Thursday, 18 February 2016

How I Will Get Engaged

Greetings!!! 18Th Day of February marks my 4TH Birthday after teens. I’m thankful to God, that it has been another year of not being self-made. I can boast little of my strength. Thus far, GOD HAS BEEN A WARRIOR WHO GIVES ME VICTORY. I’ve a share of remarkable personal growth and can’t complain. I’m work in progress aiming for perfection daily. Happy Birthday Jeremiah!!!

A New Year, New Agendas
It’s a new year, I’m another year older. Welcome back to my media space. I’ve grown up hearing stories of Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and other crazy 20-something-years-old founders making a dent in the technology world. And you do I guess. They have created a sense of urgency in us (the all-too-ambitious-millennial - wantrepreneurs) me included. It also doesn’t help when there are countless stories telling us that there’s no better time than now — when we’re young, out of school, with nothing to lose. Don’t wait until you have a family, mortgage, responsibilities etc. And so we become victims of the sensation of now. We thus have become very impatient to grow and create value.

We want to get to my goals faster. We want to be better tomorrow. We want to learn everything we can so we can create value ASAP. We feel compelled to use every minute in the most productive manner. We want to make printable marks on our own paths and show we’re better than everyone else. We can do fantastic things to change the world. We want to change how things are today. We end up wanting to be richer than the moguls, famous than the celebrities and powerful than monarchs.

Wantreprenuer? Not me!
But then honestly speaking is that all there is to life? I want to believe there's something better and more significant than just chase “who” and “what” that we are taught directly or indirectly by the society. Mind you it's not all that bad to want to be ridiculously crazy in doing things that create value now and then. Wanting not to make progress in life in your career, business, family and faith is basically being complacent, non-ambitious and pessimistic. But being overly ambitious qualifies one to face trial and be convicted of greed. The desire to become rich has made many to fall into the temptation to lust, to be covetousness and brought destruction to them. However, being content with what we receive and working hard with gratitude and faithfulness brings a greater gain.

Ambitious? Yes, That’s Me!
And so for me while I remain true to my vision and dream I want to be a bit fairer, careful and just to do things that also matter in life that sometimes we take a little less. I'll continue to pursue with excellence my resolution this year and grow holistically. While doing this, I want to spend more time being present in the present and interacting with the current landscape. I want to be mindful of the people and surroundings and culture and the spiritual warfare around me.
I want to establish meaningful connections with the person on the other side of my coffee mug or in the booth across from me at dinner or the passenger seated next to me as I travel in a matatu. I want to lean in and connect with the stories being told. I want to actively console the sorrows being shared. I don’t want to go through conversations absentmindedly anymore.

Destructed By The Environment
After two decades of being distracted by tomorrow and by my phone and by what’s happening in my peripheral, it’s about time I get engaged fully in these moments. I'll not fear coz of tomorrow. I want to connect with the emotions of the presents. I want to share in the joys, in the pains, in the losses and in the victory of the day. I don’t want to be destructed by thoughts of “a ring” around it to connect with the opposite gender. With or without; I want to be engaged in the affairs of people around me gents or ladies.
A Hobbit A Wardrobe and A Great War by Joseph Loconte - A book about J.R.R. Tolkien’s friendship with C.S. Lewis and how the events of WWI shaped their views on life, transformed their writing, and grew them together as best friends. About what true friendship is, Lewis says, “You will not find the warrior, the poet, the philosopher or the Christian by staring into his eyes as if he were your mistress: better to fight beside him, read with him, argue with him, pray with him.”

I don’t think we’ll ever be fully engaged in the lives of others by staring at them through Instagram or Facebook or by sampling their taste of fashion on whatsapp (all of which I’m fully guilty) Contrary, it happens when we turn off our phones, laptops and TVs and fight beside the people we love and want to know more. It happens when we sit together in the silence of reading or doing a puzzle together or in the gentle murmur of prayer for one another.

I’ll Get Engaged In The Present More This Year
I want to be engaged with this planet in my next year of life. I’ve already explored some of the most incredible landscapes in the past years. I have tried amazing and fantastic things in business, education and in life generally. But I want to try and experiment more. I want to have the world at my fingertips. I'll take time away to rest and leave my house and occupy my body and mind with the waterfalls and mountains and deserts and cobblestone streets of this planet. I want to engage in other cultures and environments and languages in this next year. I want to encounter more new places and faces than sticking to the social norms would allow.

More than that, I want to engage in the invisible war that’s taking place over the souls of the people around me. I want to be fully aware of God’s presence in every moment and not as much like Jacob who woke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place and I didn’t know it!” I don’t want to be one of His own who is too busy or distracted or preoccupied to recognize his presence in every moment. The enemy has quietly and viciously crept into this world and distracted us with empty connections and excuses of worrying about tomorrow.

No more Worrying and being anxious
Biological necessity makes all our passions point in the direction of worrying of the unrealities and impossibilities so that thought of the Future inflames hope and fear. This year, I want to live fully aware of the battle taking place for the weary, helpless souls around me, tomorrow can (responsibly) worry about itself. Why should I be concerned about what don’t have and yet I will not need it? I should be more concerned with what I need and don’t have. Why should I condemn myself because I am not like the great tech innovators of Silicon Valley? I can be excellent where God has placed me. I can make a whole difference in my own world. I can be better pursuing things I’ve passions for than ship wrecking my vision to go after things that will make me “famous”. You walk with me this year

Have a reflective life. Remember to stay in touch with me at or on Facebook Jeremiaho Wakamu to keep this discussion going. And again referrals though you social media network/connection and word of mouth is the best you can do for this blog. SHARING IS COOL AND LEAVING A COMMENT BETTER STILL

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