Sunday, 14 February 2016

How To Deal With Twenty First Century Relationships

Greetings!!! Twenty first century relationships and families are a great deal. More people are finding it “harder to find true intimate love”. It’s at this century that people are becoming more insecure, selfish and hence they result into violence, physical sexual aggression and abuse. Separations and divorces are becoming devastating. People are becoming veiled into sex believing it will keep their relationships and marriages work. But it results in painful break ups when it fails. But in it all lay our desire for stronger relationships and cohesive marriages. We are constantly looking for ways to shower each other with gifts, commitments and affection. We use inventiveness and ingenuity to have good times and demonstrate our interest in each other. We want to learn each other’s character and habits. Welcome back to my media space.

I am quite sure that over this Valentine Weekend you expect someone special to take you out for a dinner, buy you a bunch of roses, chocolate bar, Valentine cards or someone whispers the words to you “I LOVE YOU.” I am certain that you will be waiting for that someone special to hold your hand and look directly into your eyes and say, “PLEASE BE MY VALENTINE.” Whether you will you that someone special or not for gents, please make sure you send a “small gift” to the ladies if you can afford. They deserve to be appreciated. Write them a text; offer them a special drink or meal and most important do things that matter to them most. They deserve to be loved. They deserved to be treated with compassion, kindness and care. They are special jewels and rare gems. They are Costlier than the precious gold and diamonds. And for ladies remember to say nice sweet words to a man around you. Be gentle on men on Sunday 14Th February. Show them grace, spread love. And for everyone, love deeply, forgive another for previous mistakes, bring out the best in your neighbors do a special thing to them.

Let’s reflect on two issues: How to deal with romantic relationships in twenty first century and raising godly families. Starting with how to deal with romantic relationships in twenty first century, I say and mean that everyone deserves the best in this life for a soul mate. With all my heart and with all my soul you deserve one. A soul mate is someone who you are beyond thrilled to meet. These are people you long to know whom they are. They are people whose name will be besides ours on our wedding invitations, whose pillows will be beside ours every morning. We wonder if they exist and where we will meet them, either in college, work or places we don’t know. We are thrilled to know their name.

We love to be liked, to be noticed, and to be desired. Unfortunately today people in love and relationships are settling for less. Instead of seeking deeper conversations and deeper moments, they are settling for “talking“. We are texting, snapchatting, liking each other’s’ conversations in social media. This is the twenty first century relationships. We should instead seek everlasting love. We should not expect partners without flaws; we should not give up because we are fighting.

The golden rules in twenty first century relationships and marriages are:  Cultivate a friendship without which there can be real conversations and shared interest. Personal conversations and friendships helps people discover one another and get to know their qualities and flows. Do not be driven by passion. Do not settle for friends with benefits.

Be friends with your both sets of your parents. When a girl and a boy respect their parents, their love matures. By both of you relating amicably with your parents, you can share when issues arise, you will not have to hide on sexuality and you will get their blessings and go ahead signals when planning to formalize the union, get children and make important decisions. Keep sex and co habiting matters away during courting before you both say ‘I do’ Sexual relationships have the power to strongly unit two people and prolong unhealthy relationships based on sexual attractiveness. People get ‘trapped’ in relationships they would like to end but they can’t find a way out because of the emotional bond to each other. It more hurting leaving a guy you’ve shared intimacy to the level of physical ties.

Another rule in twenty first century romantic relationships is to be more generous with each other than being selfish. Do not compete with your partner. Do not ask for more and more without giving out. That way you won’t quarrel or fight often. Look for ways to enhance your intellectual, artistic and social potentials by putting your energy you save from quarrels. Do not look only at ways your partner will satisfy and pleasure you, but how you can bring out more happiness to them. Don’t focus only on your own pleasures but that of your partner, how you can make them happier and not being obsessed on self-gratification and cravings.

Our last focus is on raising godly families in twenty first century is on family disciplines and values. We must endeavor to raise our families fearing God. We must teach them to obey Him who created the heavens and earth. In our households, respect for one another must reign. Family as the fabric of the society must be highly regarded. Children must learn to love, trust and understand their parents before learning to do so other members of the society. Parents must not exasperate their sons and daughters. In the family is where people must learn to negotiate fearlessly, ethically before going to engage in business deals. It’s in here that children learn to express their ideas. It’s in the family set-up that kids learn of the identity, status and significance of their family name, inheritance and causes they stand up for.

Otherwise when one day when we wake up and find out that we have lost this fundamental institution, we will weep. Perhaps, our own deluding minds will cheat us that we are doing well while we sure are not without family. The delusions will have momentum to carry us along for some time, but when the truth dawn on us we’ll know we a living a lie. It won’t be long before we realize we missed out on the most important things in life to pursue things that matter less.

Have a reflective and happy Valentine. I love you all. I would love to hear from you. Remember to stay in touch with me at or on Facebook Jeremiaho Wakamu to keep this discussion going. And again referrals though you social media network/connection and word of mouth is the best you can do for this blog.


  1. Thank you for this post I enjoyed reading it and think I'll be going back to church this week.

    1. U welcome Paula Hughes,is it possible to write me a mail on my address?
