Welcome back to my media space. Its FEEL GOOD MAY when this blog is celebrating
the second anniversary. As a way of marking the second birthday, the month of
May is set aside for reflection of the two years’ journey. The first of the reflections
was on bossing our feelings when pursuing our vision and dreams, click here
to read it. The second was how
to deal with frustrations in your single-hood. This is awesomely good! For
such a fate its FEEL GOOD MAY. Sometimes back, in this blog I’ve discussed the
error of Christopher Columbus the man who discovered the route to India click here
to read it. He might have missed an actual shorter length but nevertheless his
work, heroism, exploits and courage are well-documented and celebrated in all
ages. I strongly believe that when a vision or a dream whispers we must seek to
train to be effective. But I ask, was his
discovery a true vision or a mare accident whose occurrence had faith as a component?
Did faith influence the accomplishment of his life? I tend to
believe that faith has influence on the lives of great men who have a vision in
the recipe or baking the cake?
the place of faith in a vision, I again ask? To answer this, consider life as
being fair enough to everyone and provides them with necessary ingredients and
an accompanying recipe that they can translate them into a cake. The point is,
the primary responsibility of the baker is to read the recipe, understand and
follow the steps for a successful baking process. Doing so will amount to a baked
delicious cake when the ingredients are mixed well and otherwise, we’ll end up
with a cake no one wants to consume or recipe talk. This is same as receiving a
vision in the invisible realm and translating it into practical working reality
in the visible realm. A vision needs to produce tangible actions just as a
recipe produces a cake. In the midst of the process, where is the place of
faith in transforming ingredients into a cake?
and Faith as functions of the heart
readers, sight are a function of the eyes while vision is a function of the
heart. This is because sight is just the ability to see things as they are and
vision is the ability to view things as they could possibly be. That means that
with eyes, people only see what is in the physical world, what their visual
ability is limited to see but with faith, people have convictions of things
that are not as though they are. They have hope of what possibly is
unimaginable idea. The problem with sight is that it has no hope! You are not
able to see anything beyond this moment and day and hence sight should never
determine what our heart believes in. A vision in itself cannot function
without the means of faith. Thoughts and words design a vision but faith
creates that vision into a future. Friends, while it’s true that words and
thoughts have creative power, its faith that is the ingredient to sees
opportunities in problems and finally transforms the thoughts and ideas into
great achievement. Faith is the means through which people are empowered to
bring to manifestation of what is unseen. This cannot be through visual means
but through an inner understanding of the self and so faith qualifies as a
function of the heart.
as a motivation of the vision received
brings a new excitement, and understanding that men with a vision are in
positions of authority. They gain meaningful insights that they are well
supplied with talents and strength to pursue and win in life and therefore do
not need to complain and blame others when things are not working for them.
When men with a vision spice it up with faith, they genuinely gain the
confidence and comfort that they will win and achieve. These people will have
their spirits lifted in the midst of temporal failures. With faith a person can
pursue their vision in life without fear for they do not limit their power and
ability on what they possess but on the supplies of a divine power whose source
is beyond them.
vision produces a faith that works
great innovations and discoveries have been made by successful people with
great thoughts. These are people whose vision outlived them and continue to
make impact even on their graves. It’s argued that ideas control the world. For
a vision to outlive a person, they need not confine the idea to themselves but
conceive and express it. This is faith in vision, because how you see things
determines how you think and act and thus in the end whether your vision will
become a reality. You see faith make people effective in their vision because
they pursue with their whole hearts, strengths and will only one vision at a go
in which they are fully convinced, it’s the right. To receive a vision demands
that we respond immediately, and this is the only way to fulfill it. With or
without the resource needed, a person must be ready to jump the ship and stir
it in the unknown path which can only be possible through faith. How else do
you set on journey to unknown land across vast amounts of water in an ocean for
Columbus? This is because of faith, cutting off all the fears and admitting
that this vision is beyond our
circumstance and from God whom we have received
it from, he can choose to work with anyone.
Have a
reflective life. Remember to stay in touch with me at or on Facebook Jeremiaho Wakamu
to keep this discussion going. And again referrals though you social media
network/connection and word of mouth is the best you can do for this blog
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