I am perfectly delighted to have a post by a guest by One Wanjah
Abbie. What an honor to her masterpiece writing. I assure you its authentic and
good for posting and your readership. After a period of networking, conversing
and evaluating she has passed the test and the reward is her post here. Kudo’s
Abbie Wanjah for making it to the family of Join The Dots. All credit goes to her. Here she goes courtesy of Whats Up symbolically of what she has chosen as our reflections for today.
Perhaps I should be
telling a story here today. About some girl or boy, or man, or woman, or an
animal…but I won’t- At least not today. Not that I don’t have a story to
inspire my writing but because today I want us to have a talk.
Welcome to this house
(blog) I may not have a lot to offer but I have some. My time and thought will
do. Meanwhile; I know you
are pondering what kind of talk this is. Please don’t be in a hurry today. Wait
and Relax, I mean RELAX!!Sit back. Be patient with me. I promise I won’t take
much of your precious time.
Today’s reflections are
on taking life easy and simple yet being serious, ambitious and visionary. Take
a moment out of the craziness of life. For a moment take a deep Breath, relax
and stop! Life is that we all want to touch the finish line soonest possible
(It’s all human anyway) but wait; there is only one person in your life. And
that is only YOU. So whether you take a twenty minute break or not, no one will
say they touched your finish line first when you were on the fifteenth minute
of your rest.
You are too much
valuable and precious to be lost in the daily routines of life. You have one
life to live and make most of it. Life is only sweet when you do exactly what
you should and leave what cannot be done today for tomorrow. Never think that
we are in a race in life to compete. We are not. Instead each of us should do
exactly what they purpose in their hearts and only one time. We cannot conquer
the whole world so as to chase it all the way. Our purpose for living out in
our generation is simply to run our race, finish it and receive the victor’s
crown. Wonder why we should then behave as if all that mattered in this life
was rules and law of must do this or else… This is not the beauty of life.
Always be your real self
every time. Do not pretend you are something else you are. Do not cling on just
one thing you will have no possibility of getting if it does not matter too
much in your life. Blow it away. Do not shy away from blowing away what’s not
yours. If it’s yours it will come back to you. Relinquish your positions in
your jobs when you have other offers. Take a pay cut and start your own company
and build it from scratch.
When you are not
patient and ready to experience joy and tranquility in going through life
contented yet ambitious, we lose the taste and true meaning of a happy life.
You don’t have to take everything too serious that should not. Strike the
balance of must do’s and should do’s.
Play in the rain, laugh
in the darkness, shout in the silence, break all the codes, do all the wrong
things for only that one right reason. Go out for a moon light walk at night,
take a holiday to a far off shore and don’t forget to give a story/joke during
a presentation with your bosses/clients. Take a road drive and try a new nice recipe.
Give yourself a five minute break while your boss watches, try walking on your
four limbs instead of two (you don’t have to be drunk to crawl) take your enemy
out for a drink. Just breath, let life flow do it more often, and then thank me
This is because you are
precious. Your life is the most precious thing you have to change the world.
You have to be sober in pursuing your dreams. This is only if you have peace of
mind and health. Do not be stressed because you are over stretched in trying to
reach for what does not matter in life. The gifted you must not go through life
the gloomy way. While you want be excellent, do it with joy. Do not blame
people for your temporal failures. Do not take failures too serious that you
fail to see future opportunity. Take care till next time you visit here.
This post is courtesy
of my friend one Wanjah Abbie of www.wanjahabbie.wordpress.com
where it first appeared on his blog with some editing and additions.
Have a reflective life. Remember
to stay in touch with me at jeremiahwakamu@gmail.com or join this conversation on
Facebook Jeremiaho Wakamu
to keep it going. And again referrals though you social media
network/connection and word of mouth is the best you can do for this blog
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