"Two are better than one..." - Ecclesiastes 4:9
In today's reflections i want us to focus on a very sensitive issue in almost everyones life which i trust and pray that we will get some insights about life and take necessary steps if we must and do things right.
people are looking for a soul mate - someone you really click with, a
person who enriches your life while you enrich his or hers. Someone who
makes you feel like you're not alone in this world.The term has a basis in the very first marriage. The first time God said something was "not good" had to do with Adam being alone. God's ideal is for each man and woman to have their spouse as their soul mate, a person of the opposite sex who is a perfect complement.
God was the first anesthesiologist and He put Adam to sleep. He was the first surgeon when He removed a rib. He was the first master artist as He formed that rib into a woman, the first matchmaker, and first Father of the bride. He brought Eve to Adam. Adam was thrilled and said "Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh. She shall be called Woman." In the Bible, the word for "body" means soul.
Is your spouse your soul mate? It's what God has in mind for your marriage. The first marriage shows it, and in Christ, God gives us the power to experience it in our own marriages.
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