Greetings!!! Welcome back to my media space. Let's start
off, fairy speaking am not your high flying twenty - something year old guy
driving a prestigious four wheel drive car or living in a posh home in the
suburbs of Nairobi Kenya. And I have no large bank or cash balances. Forget it,
am fairy worth no more than $ 300 period. Am this guy who has only been
hardworking just to earn and win fairly. I didn't sell candies over tea and
lunch breaks as an eight year kid. What I have is purely out of God's blessings,
competence and diligent hands.
But wait a minute, that's meager compared to other kids
doing well than I am. Sincerely speaking been wondering what I should do to
improve my financial position. And I have found it. It's financial planning which is the key
to accumulate wealth. It's the secret, trick and rule in solving the puzzle
around money matters. Wanting to accumulate wealth than riches is a decision
you've to decisively make. It will keep you from being greedy and falling into self-destruction
Let's begin to unpack my perspective. My wealth has so far
come through unstructured personal savings. Times I save large percentages of
my income and others significantly less or none at all depending on periodic
financial needs. It has worked but this ain't growing my wealth at a rate I so
desire. Desperately, I’ve been searching a better formula and found
none better than in the biblical story of Joseph in Egypt. In a vision, God
revealed to Pharaoh that the world would experience a great famine to last 7
years. This is to be presided by 7 years of bounty harvest. Joseph was
recruited to come up with an agrarian policy that would make Egypt food secure
in the coming days of famine.
And so he gave instructions all over Egypt that during the
seven years of sufficiency and abundance, every household must give to Pharaoh
a fifth of total harvest yearly. The food would then be held in the reserve of
the country. It worked! Egypt feed the whole world in the years of famine and
it prospered. The Pharaohs accumulated a lot of wealth and bought all land from
Egyptians a practice even today that exist where peasants hold land on rent for
These are the lessons I picked, one, make use of financial
or investment knowledge available, two have a structured savings plan when you
have income and have the guts to implement it, and lastly make wise investments
on your savings. You’ll reap bountifully and enjoy your hard work after you
retire or in the eventuality one stream of income is cut. Our greatest undoing
- me included is failure to be disciplined on what percentage of our total
income we should save. And like me, we actually save when we've overstretched
our expenditures. In our 30 streams of incomes we probably save from one stream
and when we do, we choose a savings plan that isn't hard on us. We save on our convenience.
In so doing, we ain't concerned when we save nothing. If we’ve to realistic in
our savings then we must project what to save and in what period we want what.
If we want to be sufficient for 20 years then we must save for an equally
amount of time.
It's common sense that it's when we are young, full of
energy and little load to saddle on our back that we should plan the future
with our money. Yet we completely ignore this fact. With that knowledge we
still completely act as if we're unaware. Too bad! I want to recommend saving a
fifth of your income every day. That's 20% of your income/revenue. Then put it
in a ‘reserve” - an investment that will bring good returns when it matures.
This could be inform of buying shares, setting up a production plant or in
agribusiness or in an insurance premiums.
I must however caution you from investing for speculation
that's the last thing to do. I'd go for an investment that earns a profit or
interest. Investment advice is all over, why not make good use of it?
Let's take it a step further with a hypothetical case, if I
earn a minimum of $200 monthly, I'd save about $ 40 using this model, right?
Saving consistently for one year brings total savings grossly at $480. Good
money to start with. Of I invested this on a promising start up relatively
profitable by buying shares from its owner, I could reasonably earn a similar
amount at the end of the year totaling to a wealth of about $720 by the end of
year 2 and in excess of $1500 by the end of year three. You may not be
automatically lucky to find a good start up to invest in but what if you
invested in an investment club that want to set up a warehouse to collect food
during harvest and distribute it when it's out of season, that would gross you
about 4-6 times your initial investment in a span of 3 years. Sounds great, is
Now walk with me in this, from my initial $300 I want to
grow it 7 fold this year. All I need to do is save as much from my streams of
incomes and make wise investments in technology start ups and financial
markets. Next article will show you how to create multiple streams of incomes
so that you can save as much.
Have a reflective life. Remember to stay in touch with me at or on
Facebook Jeremiaho Wakamu to keep this discussion going. And
again referrals though you social media network/connection and word of mouth is
the best you can do for this blog.