Sunday, 1 March 2015

Life is an Assignment

The other day I went out to rest in a public recreational utility and fell asleep on a park bench in Nairobi. Not that I really intentioned that I would fall asleep but I guess since I must have been busy for the better part of the morning, I just found myself asleep.
When I opened my eyes I pretended I had just landed on the world. Perhaps it’s because I felt some sense of shame and guilt. I mean how it could just happen in such an area with all those people around. Surrounded by all those guys? Not me! I think I was just shy. And so, I knew nothing, I told myself. Now I had to learn everything.
When I think of this incident, I simply think that that's the way I should've been when I was younger. Maybe, I would've avoided many problems if I just realized I knew nothing.
ALL SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE started off knowing nothing. They then picked things from there. They studied as much as they could from their predecessors who were successful. These successful people became their models and examples and they followed their path. For them each day they lived was an opportunity to carry out the assignments of live. And to do so they had to be equipped. Meaning they pretended to know nothing. They left an empty space in their minds to fill with new progressive thoughts for their life.
And since me too I want to join the league of successful people, I want to learn new things in life each day and do accordingly to finish my assignments in life. Every season in life has something special that we must do and accomplish as I live. I do not want to be a fool and fail to capture what I am meant to do. Our days are short and we must make out of them the most possible. We are all mortal beings. We must be ready to meet our maker. But that is not before we have be faithful enough with our time, talents, faith, people around us, careers, wealth, family and others things in our hands. We should take life as an assignment that we will be demanded to show if we have been good at to carry with all due diligence. In other words, where we can be accountable and answers to anyone who needs an answer as to what we have done so far concerning what is in our hands. Have we learnt enough to do the assignment in the exact requirements? I am sure for my case but not sure for your case.
I have come to learn that every day in our life is an assignment time. Every day is an opportunity to carry out new assignments and complete the pending ones. When it dawns, it is an opportunity to do something new or become what you have been trying to be. And so every new day is and can be an opportunity to reinvent your image. It’s yet another chance to leave the old habits that you have been trying to leave. It’s time to make for the lost time and opportunity, to redeem time and opportunities. It’s not time to recover, but to work extra hours beyond our normal working hours to pay for what we were not able to do when perhaps we were away. We rebuy the opportunity we lost to get new grades when we engaged in idle talks instead of studying. We do more work under costs to push up sales by arranging more meetings with clients. Perhaps we do more marketing.
Every day in life is an assignment to become, an assignment to be, an assignment and opportunity to rededicate, to recommit, to rejuvenate. It’s an opportunity and an assignment for new beginnings. It’s an opportunity to start all over again in our assignment in life, to correct the wrongs you have done, to let go of them and begin a new journey. It’s an opportunity to start doing things differently. It’s an opportunity to forget the former things/mistakes in your life. It’s an opportunity to take stock of your own life and see what you have done so far and what you have not done yet. It’s an opportunity to start feeling better and happier about your assignment in life. Life also presents us with new opportunities towards start/enhance giving to the less fortunate because that too is an assignment in life. Every day is an assignment to do business and serve your customers with heavenly perspectives and kingdom values. It’s a time to be trust worthy with new deals and contracts.
Life, each new day gives us one more opportunity to star/continue learning new things. Explore more ideas and dreams so as to accomplish our assignments in life. For those who have been oppressed by hard situations in life, it’s time to learn from them and sing a new song. Life gives us new opportunities unlearn a bad behavior we have picked in the course of our life, to repent of it and learn that that which is pleasing and honorable. For who is an author, it’s an opportunity to write a new/another book/article. Every morning is an assignment to love again even when we have been hurt before. To show compassion and kindness to everyone we come across. Among the Christians it’s an assignment to start and be committed to the reading and studying the Bible. To us [Christians], it’s an assignment to start/continue saying no to the evil desires of the flesh. It’s an assignment to say no to temptations and to give yourself away wholly and fully to Jesus Christ. Each additional day in your life is an assignment to discover your passion, your talent, to acquire a new skill, to make new friends, a time to donate to the less fortunate, a time to be sensitive to the environment, a time to plant a tree, to paint your house a new color, to try again, to get back up again, to plan, to walk away from bad friends, to claim what’s yours, to wake up from the slumber. It’s an assignment to forgive. It’s an assignment to restore your lost glory. It’s an assignment to fight the good fight. It’s assignment to run the race and win the crown.
And so as to accomplish the assignments in life, we have to stand tall and declare and say no to fear that will inhibit our progress in life. We must not fear in trying out. We must stop wasting time in things that do not matter. We must develop a thick skin to discouragements. But we must also say yes and accept God’s provision and direction in our assignment in life. We must have hope and never allow ourselves to be brought down by what is happening around us. We must still believe that there is still light in the midst of darkness and failures. We must believe that God has a better plan for us even if things seem to be going south. We must have a new hope that we are not yet crashed even if we are hard pressed to leave behind our assignment. We must persuade others that we have valid dreams. We must also declare that we are blessed, we are happy, we live a life of abundance, we will soar above the storms of life, we will praise the Lord always no matter what dangers or blessings we face as we pursue our assignments, we must be ready for new beginnings. Be ready for a change. Be ready to capture a new opportunity to make our assignment in life easier to do. We must fight our battles with all strength that the Lord has given us. We must not let our past failures define who we are.
And with all these, all things will be possible for us who trust God to accomplish new things in life.
Contact me on or find me on facebook Jeremiaho Wakamu