Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Signs of GO and STOP in life

Today (18Th Day of February) I am celebrating my third birthday after my teens. Indeed as I remember of the past days, I honestly say “THE LORD HAS BEEN WITH ME. HE IS EBENEZER” Thank God that life has not been smooth all through. There have been many battles that I faced. There have been days I wished I would skip. There have been others I wished that all my days were like them. These were lovely days. They were calm. I had fun in them. In sum total, I had happiness through those days.
This photo in here remind me my days. I remind me that I was once young. I was Helpless to be sincere for some early part of my life. But now at least I can take care of myself. I have grown.

But as I think of this day and all the days that have past, I wonder what made the whole difference of keeping me going on each day. As I move on what dictates what I will do today and not tomorrow.
Honestly speaking, there have been all signs in life that indicated it was time to go and at times there were others to stop. There were all signs that I needed to do some things and not others. Other times there were simply signs that I was wrong and I needed to change direction in life. When we are moving in the course of life, there will always be seasons to do this and that. There as seasons to prepare the fields. Seasons to plant, weed, harvest and store in the barns. There are seasons for laboring and others for resting. Seasons to cry and weep and seasons to be happy
And before these seasons come, there will always be signs that something is about to happen. Something is about to be brought forth in the coming season. And before a season is over, too there are signs that it has come to its climax. A season comes to an end when something is brought forth; when something is delivered. For a breeding season among the wild animals especially those that migrate, it comes to the end when new owns are born and hatched. Whether patterns never lie, human beings have for long observed the behavior of certain animals and plants and forecast what will happen in the coming days. And so if they had migrated to a breeding habitat, they take a journey back to their original home where they live. May be the onset, of heavy rains is the indication that the breeding season has begun. Nests are made ready among the birds to receive eggs that hatch. Females become ready to nurse the new kids.
In human, it’s no different. We too need to be prepared when we see certain things happen to us and/or round us. They are indeed a sigh that we need to be prepared for something in that season. We need to get our horses ready for the takeoff in the new season. Or perhaps they are a warning that something somewhere needs to be relooked. Maybe there will be times we will be warned against going in that direction or maybe we will be literally told, “Heeey, you are wrong. Please think otherwise.” We are not always right. Other times we are not always wrong. And we are not always wrong. We are sometimes right. That should give us a reason to have faith in what we are doing.
All these times happen in the life of a person. Not because we live segmented life, but it’s a whole cycle that we go through. For each of these seasons, we learn a new thing. And it does not matters what we are learning and when, what matters is, if the lesson will get into our nerve and stick. And we should not think that perhaps we are better learning something better than others. Even if they are learning what we learnt many days ago, that is not a reason to look down on them. What they learning now is significant to them at their season. It’s what they badly need at that particular sign. As they learn, let’s not forget that
To me, these signs are all around us. Take for example people. They will not what we are doing and make general and specific comments about us and what we are doing and what we need to be doing and what time. Be careful to listen to them. They may not necessarily be right, but they are to some extent right on what could be right for us. They comment on your ability, strength, weakness and new opportunities for us. Give an ear to their talk. Ask for their opinion but let it not shape your action.
Also the birthday parties for each one of us. It’s a tap on the back that we need to do something different each year. It’s a reminder that it’s time to do this and not that. It’s a time to marry, retire or stop certain habits associated with a certain age group. To me, today is reminder that time is moving. Whatever goal that I have in life needs to be achieved before I succumb to the powers of death. I need to work while I am a live because in the grave there will be no work to be done. Every day is near to the grave and farer from the birthday day. I need to live wisely and redeem time. As things change each day do I need to. I need to make some impact before the next birthday
The end or start of academic programs too is another sign. It’s a significant symbolizing something has changed. The end of school calendar is a sign that we need to proceed to something else. To advance now or later but also it may signify that you have not done as expected and may need further time to do it. It’s an indication that you need to start working, either in formal employment or in self-employment. You need to start finding something worthy while with your hands for a reward of wages and salaries.
We could speak of promotions and demotions in jobs and careers too as signs in life for something. Think also of burials we attend for our friends and relatives. They too speak of our destiny in life.
Whether we want it or not, when a season is gone and we choose to remain in there, we become fools. If we become stagnant when there are signs to do something else, then we are fools. When it’s all systems go, get ready and move on. When it’s all systems off, it’s a sign stop and if it’s get ready, be prepared for it.
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Saturday, 14 February 2015

Ladies, You are Daughters of Sarah

This is a month of love and so we have to talk love as much as we can. Often, February is considered the month when love is expressed most by adults more than other months. You can guess this is because of the Valentine’s Day which we celebrate every 14th of February. Some would dispute this and try to compare this with December and say December rivals February. I think the only difference between the two is that it’s in December when we lack genuine love and instead it’s more to me when love is broken and so only breeding takes place. Got the word I used, breeding and not bleeding. It’s however subject to debate. Anyway let’s leave that behind and concentrate on what matters to us today.
I am quite sure that today is when ladies expect to have someone take them out for a dinner, buy them a bunch or roses, chocolate bar, Valentine cards or someone whispers the words “I LOVE YOU.” I am sure that they will be waiting for that someone special to hold their hands and look directly into their eyes and say, “PLEASE BE MY VALENTINE.” Whether you will be that someone special or not for a lady please make sure you send a “small gift” to the ladies if you can afford. They deserve to be appreciated. Write them a text; offer them a special drink or meal and most important do things that matter to them most. They deserve to be loved. They deserved to be treated with compassion, kindness and care. They are our jewels. They are Costlier than the precious gold and diamonds.
To the ladies now, this is my message of goodwill this valentine. If you receive a valentine message or gift or perhaps you did not this is for you. Whether you have that someone special or not, it won’t change the fact that you are a lady and that there is someone somewhere caring about your welfare.
The biblical Sarah who is the first lady of faith is an amazing woman that our girls should look up for their daily inspiration. They are her daughters if they live their lives as she did. If they walk in her footsteps, they qualify to share in her blessings.
Sarah was a lady whose strength was renewed not once but all through her life. When they traveled to EGYPT with her husband Abram, in spite of her age Pharaoh noticed her beauty and took her in as her wife. Imagine at her age, pharaoh’s servants went in praises to him because of her beauty. She was found more beautiful than all other women in Egypt. In fact Abram was frightened that he would be killed and had to lie that she was his sister and not wife. Amazing, is it? The same was repeated when they migrated to the land of king Abimelech. He too took Sarah because of her beauty. She was also advanced in age. Her look deceived them fro she was fairer. She had been renewed. She was attractive.
Sarah gave birth to a son when she was 90 years old. Yes I said the age correct. It’s an unimaginable thing to start with unless something unusual happens. She was way past menopause age. She laughed off the words of the angles that came to bring the news of her having a son at that age. But still she had her strength renewed and she gave birth. Who would think this a possibility? Even her husband doubted this.
And so today I can assure you that your strength can be renewed like that of Sarah for you are her daughters. I can bet that God can work out things for you in the oddest situations. He is able to make you the most fair of all women in your neighborhood even though no one has approached you to ask for your hand in marriage. It does not matter your age. All things are possible in God. There is nothing too hard for God. In your darkness, God can illuminate his light and make a way where in situations you think there is no hope for you. When you think your prime age for marriage is gone, do not think of marrying yourself as has been happening. This is not a solution for you. God has better plan for you. He will bring along a man who will love you. You will not spend your days lonely. Only be strong and wait on God. Make no mistake of thinking it’s over for you. Even in advanced age prince charming will come.
Perhaps age has gone and you always wish you could hold your baby. Your baby from your own womb. The hope may have died. This is not an excuse to think that God is unable to make all things abound to you by grace and treated like the mother of a nation. God can renew you strength and give birth. Only have faith and ask the Lord to help your unbelief. Scientifically, it may have been proved otherwise but this does not mean it’s the final word that God has for you. He is not through with you. He is starting to show his faithfulness to all who do not trust on friends. He is waiting to shame the wisdom of the wise.
And do not miss this point too. You will be treated with honor and no one will want to sin against you. Sarah was treated well by her husband and those other men who wanted her. Her husband whom she referred to as “Her Master/Lord” gave her fine linen, jewels of gold and oil to anoint her body. She became more beautiful. She was liked by people who saw her. She was regarded with honor. My dears’ people will regard you with honor as Sarah was because you are fair. You are of virtue. You deserve it. That may not have happened in the past. It’s a new season to hold on to this new title, “Daughters of Sarah’. Wherever someone want to do something dishonorable to you, remind them you are. Confess it and pray it.
My dear ladies, Have confidence even to ask favors from your husbands and other men in your life. Sarah had that confidence. She asked Abraham to have a son through her maid slave and her request was granted. She did not have fear. I remind you to have courage and strength to ask for anything from your husbands, fiance or boyfriends. Those who have no one special speak out to those you have had crash on. Do not be intimidated. Daughters of Sarah should not. They speak out their mind and heart. They express their thoughts and desires.
And now my friends, as I conclude, may grace abound to you and enjoy your valentine’s day. Remember to share this if it has blessed you. Share it with your girlfriends and help them appreciate this simple fact, that they are the Daughters of Sarah. Men as we spend our lives with the ladies today and in the days to come, refer to the women in your life as Daughters of Sarah. That is rightly their title. And most important to remember to visit this site one more time
Any if you need to contact me please write to me on

Sunday, 1 February 2015

My Entrepreneurial Wife

It seems that these days I am talking out my heart. And even today I will. I have to open up my heart desires for everyone to know my preference. Few months ago I gave reasons Why I will marry a woman who loves to spend more time in solitude. I did not know how much this would elicit varied responses from my friends. I do not regret however that I passed on the message. 
Even today I will give another characteristic that my wife must but not necessarily have. They should be entrepreneurial. I know this may put me in a compromising situation. Leave that alone. Let me lay out and argue my case before you stone me.  Sorry ladies. I still love you and your input to my life. You are still dear to me. You have to bear with me until these series is over. It’s not yet. In fact after this you can be sure that I have lined up five more characteristics which I will disclose with time.
I am ever serious about everything I post in this blog and most times if not all. When I sit down to write it’s out of inspiration. I mean every letter in it. I own the tone and the rhythm of the article.
And so to start off, I must say that, these qualities are motivated towards making our good young women hoping on day to be married to be good wives. It is an attempt to help men and women alike to start thinking how they can put together their little ideas and nurture them to be yield results.
Well, I will marry a girl who has affinity to working, entrepreneurship and business. This is a woman of virtue who does business in her own hands.
An entrepreneurial wife is a hardworking woman. She wakes up early in the morning, prepares breakfast for her family and makes them ready for the day. She does all the household work without complaining. She hires maid servants to work in her fields. She even gives them wages. She builds a home for her family, ensures she helps her children with homework, cleans the home and cooks for her family. She pays attention to all the matters of the family and nothing goes wrong. In her hard work, she ensures that there is something desirable that can be noticed by her husband. She does not waste time having idle talks with lazy women but she is honorable in her labor. She harvest more than the other women
An entrepreneurial wife does not take food without working for it. Enterprising women do not wait to be provided with everything by their husbands. They bring in food to the home for the family. From the fields they work with their own hands and in the evening bring some food for the family. The family eats from her hard work. She is strong in her arms. She works all day. She prepares food for her family from her wages and from the fruits of her garden. She does not remain at home while her husband is away trading. She does not wait to be fed, clothed and sheltered. She is proud to eat from her own sweat.
An entrepreneurial wife works and does business for a profit. They are profit oriented as the work in the garden. As they trade their merchandise in businesses they are prudent to make some profit from sales. Entrepreneurial women work to get income to use for their family. The money they use to bring up their family is from their own trading. They do not only give away things and objects. They sell objects of honor for a profit. They sell gold at a profit. They trade in silver. They make lien robes for a price. They cultivate the garden and sell produce for a profit.
An entrepreneurial wife brings honor and respect for her husband and family. An entrepreneurial wife will bring joy to me as her husband because people will envy her work. People will see how she is a home dresser and does not wait on her husband for food, rent, and school fees for her children. People will regard her husband with esteem for indeed it will be taken that the husband is able to take care his household and offers the right guidance. Enterprising wife speaks well of her husband among her friends. She will not speak evil of him because she has everything for her family. She knows that marriage is where everyone should every of their side but not waiting to be complemented by the other. Every partner should bring out their best. The sum of two should be greater than one. An enterprising husband will know their husband role in offering to her an opportunity for development. In the market places and in their work, husbands of enterprising and responsible wives sit with rulers and are not ashamed of introducing them. They are not ashamed to walk around with their wives
An entrepreneurial wife perseveres in all situations. When starting a business, it takes time to break even. It takes time before a business before the business becomes profitable. In the midst of this, the proprietor needs to hold on till headway has been found. To break into a new market is painful and not much profitable in the beginning. Introducing a new product or service is not also rewarding. New clients may be stubborn. Entrepreneurs have to put up with low incomes until businesses pick up. Entrepreneurial women do this even in their family. They translate this trait from their enterprises to home. They hold on even in the darkest moments when giving up is an option. Such women will walk with you in times of lack, diseases, lack of jobs and losses. They will hold the family when things are bad. They do not abandon their families even when things do not seem to be working. They do not drop by the way side. I believe women do not quit or surrender because of temporal failures. They will still find motivation to pursue to have a good family in the future.
An entrepreneurial wife receives praises from her husband. Enterprising women are respected by their husbands. Their husband’s heap praises to her for their strength. They receive rewards from their husbands. They receive love and everything they ask from their husbands. Nothing good is hidden from. Not even the secrets of her husband. Their husbands are willing to give everything on their honor. Entrepreneurial wives’ husbands speak well of them among his friends. She is told of her husband as the best among all the women he has come across. He receives fine lien for he beautification from her loving husband.
An entrepreneurial wife possesses good communication skills. Entrepreneurs are people who need communicate their ideas and products to clients. They must be confident in how they speak and share information. They must present their financial statements to government agencies, products to new clients, ideas to business funders and instructions to her workmates. If I marry a woman who is an entrepreneurial, I will be sure that this is a person who will be able to express her ideas for the progress of our family. My entrepreneurial wife will not shy away to discuss an issue with me. Between us she will choose the best time when we should discuss how our sons and daughters are progressing. She will choose the most effective channel of communication when she wants to pass a message to me. They will know what tone to us. We will have fewer conflicts since we will have effective ways to communicate and solve issues together. She will bring up our children to be people who can express themselves and effectively warn, correct, teach and rebuke them.
Such is an entrepreneurial woman; her price is much higher than jewels. To me as her husband, I will have full profit for marrying her. Who does not need her as her wife?
To men, I hope you consider this as an important factor too in you pursuing a life partner.