Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Judgement and Verdict i Passed to my Heart.
This is part of the verdict that I have decided to pass to my Sinful nature after deep scripture and soul searching”…Mr. sinful nature, I have accused and found you guilty of letting me giving in to the temptations and desires of this world which are, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life. These are not from my Father in Heaven, but are from the world. In my investigation and conclusion I have found out that you have led me suffer great damages arising from your continuous ensnaring that I do thing that I do not like to do but the evil I do not want to do. I do understand and acknowledge that my spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak to do good thus I find myself always wanting to gratify your evil desires. The damages and looses include, you’ve made my heart to set itself against the Spirit of the living God yet I know the dare consequences that may follow me drawing the example of the Israelites when they chose to rebel against God-most of them died on a single day and this happened that I may not desire the evil as they did. I have also found you guilty of making me a slave to sin yet I know and convinced I have been set free by Jesus Christ the son of the living God who did on the cross that I may no longer live under the authority of sin you oftenly cause me to. You have made me to offer parts of my body as instruments of unrighteousness. Moreover I have come to my attention that you have deceived me to believe I am a citizen of this world yet am alien and a sojourner looking for a better world and should therefore have none of your appetites to satisfy. You are also guilty of waging war against my soul that seeks to please My father and I struggle daily to please you….. aware of your cunningness, and whereas I am guilty of giving at times some loopholes I pass you this judgement today and throughout my life I will ever try and see its enforced. I will from now hence forth be contented with the little I have and will have for I came into this world with nothing and will take nothing from it. I will clothe myself with the Lord Jesus Christ. I will strive to enter by the narrow gate. I will keep my body under control lest you use it to make me disqualified from eternal life, I will no longer be conformed to the patterns of this world as you cause me to. I will walk by the Spirit of God. I will no longer be conformed to the patterns of this world as you have demanded me to but I make it may ambition daily to be transformed by the renewal of my mind that by testing I may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect and not compromise on the will of God. More so I will store God’s word in my heart that it will train me in all righteousness and make me wise in my salvation. I will be sober minded; be watchful at a times in prayers that I may not fall into your temptations. I will flee the youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure hear.  And may God who searches the deeper parts of man’s heart and examines the mind rewarding each person according to their way help and be gracious to me. May the Lord of hosts refine my whole being for am His child. May the Lord God Almighty strengthen me that I run and complete this race of faith faithfully and receive the crown of righteousness kept for me.”

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Does God Feel my pain? Part 1
In today's reflections i want us to focus on one single are of mental pain and which i hope to tackle it in the coming days. the reflections an thoughts are drawn from my own experiences and from my close friends. They are also inspired from my interactions with God's word which i have made to be my single most authority that i will use. Well, lets start the journey....As a christian its possible to go through a trying moment in which emotionally, psychologically you are hurt resulting in pain. As people dwelling and interacting with fellow humans its part of life to feel dejected in the heart because of the treatment sometimes we experience when those we cherish go beyond what we expect them to do for us but rather treat us coldly. As a fundamental and real issue, it needs careful handling and pure solving without shying away from it. Life becomes at times a giant puzzle we cannot solve unless we are endowed with special gift of wisdom. Its actually true and possible to loose through a sudden death a parent, simbling or friend while at the same time be unwell. Its also much possible to grieve when one realizes they are unrewarded for hard work. All you get after working is far much below your expectaction and to complicate matters further is the negative attitude of those who give it. You work hard than the rest yet you get the least compensation among your coworkers. People force you to do things that hurt your conscience, eat, love, think, talk or walk in places you do not like perhaps this leaves guilt in your heart. You are forced to withdraw from some jobs, groups and christian communities because you do not fit according to their membership. Their ideologies and basis of their existence do not coherently work with what you believe and are willingly ready to follow. Worse still is the separation of loved ones. You are despised and mocked. They leave us with scars in our hearts and recurrent pain that makes us ask endless questions sometimes to ourselves and also God. A young lady who looked forward for a promised marriage by her fiencee but which never came to be will wonder and ask, “Had he not promised to marry me?” but the man will say “But I changed my mind” or “i was not ready for a marriage life”. If you are like me we become frustrated and shed tears. In our bedrooms and secret places, or other times in public show frustrations to make other people understand what we are going through. We become angry, unfriendly and make decisions that lead to conflicts. Yet even in this circumstances, no one is there to give answers why it happened and why at that time. There is no one to comfort us. We are stuck. We are with no way out of the pain. We hide in our pain and never want to confront the painful situation. life becomes more tearful, painful, fearful and less enjoyable.
See you for more of this soon!